Expand to show raw metadata
auth_method: none
category: SRTI
collection_url: nl-ntm.ndw.nu/d2-srti/2024-07-17
compressed_response: buggy
conditional_http: etag
country: Netherlands
country_id: nl
description: 'Rijkswaterstaat makes safety-related traffic information (SRTI)
available to the National Mobility Data Access Point (NTM). Safety-related
messages is a composite service that consists of a selection of the data service
safety-related messages and breakdown and accident messages that have a direct
impact on safety. The data service only applies to national highways. These
messages are also transmitted in the context of EU regulations on ITS/road
traffic information services for safety messages. Safety-related messages
are delivered with event and location information and – where available and
relevant – additional data. Examples of additional data are: cause of a situation,
length of the traffic jam or free text with explanation or route advice.'
soap: 'yes'
interval: 60.0
publisher: eu-datex2
subid: d2-v2.3-SituationPublication-unprofiled
language: null
licence: License according to Creative Commons or similar
method: pull
declared: DATEX II
detected: DATEXII/v2/SituationPublication
nonessential_changes: 'no'
pkey_publisher: nl-ndw
pkey_subid: d2-srti
protocol: HTTP/GET
region: null
status: production
subscription_needed: 'no'
subscription_process: none
author: rhorenov
created: null
modified: null
title: Safety Related Messages (SRTI)
data: https://opendata.ndw.nu/srti.xml.gz
doc: null
nap_metadata: null
publisher_metadata: https://ntm.ndw.nu/publicaties/f1b9b807-ad2c-4363-a664-4f316ab10004
schema: null
fetching_configured: 'yes'
notes: 'Error: Gzipped, but Content-Encoding header is not present. Client
then assumes no encoding but receives gzipped data instead.'
subscribed: null
validating_configured: null
Parameter | Value |
Publisher | nl-ndw |
Distribution | d2-srti |
Fetching Configured | yes |
GitLab Folders1 | Distribution, Samples |
WIP: Given folder contains samples.parquet with metrics for last 30 days.
Soon charts and tables with the metrics will be presented here.
GitLab folders might be missing, if fetching is not (for any reason) configured.↩︎