    auth_method: OAuth20 Client Credentials
    category: 'Road work

    collection_url: dk-du.vd.dk/d2-common/2024-09-01
    compressed_response: 'no'
    conditional_http: 'no'
    country: Denmark
    country_id: dk
    description: "This data feed gives you access to a file containing all traffic\
        \ event and roadworks data (in one download) - updated every 10th min.  \n\
        \nThe feed contains information about, accidents and other event type, period,\
        \ affected areas, and often the estimated time before the road is cleared\
        \ after an incident. Wind warnings on bridges, slippery roads and major planned\
        \ events (like big sport events that affects traffic) is also part of this\
        \ data feed. \n\nMost of the data is however ongoing and planned roadwork.\
        \ You will get roadworks from all national highways and state roads, but also\
        \ major roadworks (and events) from around 50 out of the 98 Danish municipalities.\
        \ You can find an updated map showing the municipalities providing information\
        \ under \"downloads\" on this page. \n\nThis datafeed is best used in combination\
        \ with the datafeed \"Traffic Events and Roadworks (changes)\" that gives\
        \ you real time changes (updates) to the traffic information.  \n\nData can\
        \ be used in car navigation systems or in a traffic information service or\
        \ a rute planer. \n\nYou can read more about the data feed her: https://www.vejdirektoratet.dk/side/new-data-feed"
        soap: 'no'
        interval: 300.0
        publisher: null
        subid: d2-common
    language: null
    licence: null
    method: pull
        declared: DATEX II
        detected: DATEXII/v3/SituationPublication
    nonessential_changes: 'no'
    pkey_publisher: dk-vejdirektoratet
    pkey_subid: d2-common
    protocol: HTTP/GET
    region: null
    status: production
    subscription_needed: 'yes'
    subscription_process: Credentials got from the publisher (email communication),
        to get snapshot it's not necessary to create `Service account` as suggested
        in the doc. See issue https://gitlab.com/tamtam-and-certh/nap-data-sources/-/issues/6
        for details
        author: rhorenov
        created: null
        modified: null
    title: Traffic Events and Road Works (snapshot)
        data: https://distribution.dataudveksler.app.vd.dk/api/dataset/416/latest/DatexII
        doc: null
        nap_metadata: null
        publisher_metadata: https://du-portal-ui.dataudveksler.app.vd.dk/data/416/overview
        schema: https://du-portal-ui.dataudveksler.app.vd.dk/ee8a811c-442b-4f58-be37-9b2f75b07649
        fetching_configured: 'yes'
        notes: null
        subscribed: 'yes'
        validating_configured: 'yes'
Parameter Value




Fetching Configured


GitLab Folders1 Distribution, Samples

WIP: Given folder contains samples.parquet with metrics for last 30 days.

Soon charts and tables with the metrics will be presented here.


  1. GitLab folders might be missing, if fetching is not (for any reason) configured.↩︎