Expand to show raw metadata
auth_method: url
category: Traffic data, Real-time traffic data, Expected delays, traffic restrictions,
Traffic regulations and identifying dangers, Tunnel access conditions, Bridge
access conditions, Speed limits, Dynamic access information, Road closures,
Lane closures
collection_url: at-asfinag.at/d2-srti/2024-07-17
compressed_response: 'yes'
conditional_http: 'no'
country: Austria
country_id: at
description: Jede Verkehrsmeldung wird einer bestimmten Kategorie zugeordnet.
Jeder Vorfall auf einer österreichischen Autobahn wird in einer zentralen
Ereignisdatenbank (EDB) erfasst, wo das Ereignis von Verkehrsmanagern bearbeitet
und aktualisiert wird. Alle ASFINAG Verkehrsmeldungen werden in Echtzeit aktualisiert
und veröffentlicht damit alle Beteiligten (Fahrer und Öffentlichkeit) immer
am aktuellen Stand sind.
soap: 'no'
interval: 300.0
publisher: eu-datex2
subid: d2-v2.3
language: ge
licence: Contract and Fee
method: pull
declared: DATEX II Profile
detected: DATEXII/v2/SituationPublication
nonessential_changes: 'no'
pkey_publisher: at-asfinag
pkey_subid: d2-srti
protocol: HTTP/GET
region: null
status: production
subscription_needed: 'yes'
subscription_process: Contact publisher via a web form
author: rhorenov
created: null
modified: null
title: Austrian Reference Profile SRTI
data: https://content.asfinag.at/services/resource/124a61aa99ca4b45a9f8efb16ecc2394
doc: null
nap_metadata: null
publisher_metadata: https://contentportal.asfinag.at/data/details/unplannedevents
schema: null
fetching_configured: 'yes'
notes: null
subscribed: 'yes'
validating_configured: 'yes'
Parameter | Value |
Publisher | at-asfinag |
Distribution | d2-srti |
Fetching Configured | yes |
GitLab Folders1 | Distribution, Samples |
WIP: Given folder contains samples.parquet with metrics for last 30 days.
Soon charts and tables with the metrics will be presented here.
GitLab folders might be missing, if fetching is not (for any reason) configured.↩︎